The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Tuesday of the first week of Advent
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 11:1-10
Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17
Luke 10:21-24
A reflection on today's Scripture . . . .
Although you have hidden these things from the learned, you have revealed them to the childlike. (see Luke 10:21)
A priest, while listening to a group of us complaining about the immoral state of the world, interrupted to ask, "Do you have any hope for the future?" We hesitated, but one finally ventured to say that if we have a genuine faith in God's living Word, Jesus Christ, "hope" is ever with us; for He not only sacrificed His life for the forgiveness of our sin but also gives us the grace to be reborn to a new and glorious life, beginning now and carrying us into eternity through the power of His Resurrection.
Advent is the season for reawakening and reaffirming our belief in God's plan to effect the spiritual and moral redemption of humanity. If we read Luke's chapter 10 entirely, we will see how our "free will" can be used for good or evil; for while some may humbly and joyfully accept and live in God's holy Word leading them to salvation, others will pridefully choose to be their own "little gods" and so starve their human souls to death. The latter often suffer blindness, judge Christianity ineffective by seeing only those who speak its words but do not follow its love and truths. They also don't realize that Christ's teachings do not define a narrow "religion;" His words have a universal application. Jesus gives us the ability to bring heaven to earth, to live in His peace, love, joy, truth, justice, honesty, forgiveness and generosity; but He also gives us the option of creating a hell on this earth.
When Christ speaks of the "childlike," he means humble souls who learn to trust their parents (and God), recognize that they are their protectors from evil, see them as the source of loving warmth and all that is to their good, and, in consequence, obey them. Today, parental Godlessness is creating a scarcity of childlike souls and instead is spawning vast numbers of faithless children deprived of truth, love and stability, who, with no moral compass to guide them, are filled with mistrust, dishonesty, disobedience and violence.
Blessed Lord, let the light of Your truth shine more brightly upon us that we may gain in humility and genuine faith in You, that Your love may reign in every human heart. Amen.
- Marie Bocko, OCDS
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)