The Catholic Calendar for Monday, September 29, 2003
Twenty-sixth week Ordinary Time
Saints Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, archangels
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Psalm 138:1-5
John 1:47-51
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Today, in our gospel reading, we once again visit the story of the good Samaritan - a story we should visit quite often.
It is interesting that Jesus used a Samaritan in this story considering the relationship between Jews and Samaritans at that time. Frankly, they were not too friendly. The Jews considered Samaritans an unclean race and would not have much to do with them. Samaritans didn't have much good to say about their neighbors either.
Which is exactly what makes the story so interesting!
Who is our neighbor? One you'd least expect. For a Jew 2000 years ago it was an "unclean" Samaritan. For St. Paul it was "unclean" gentiles. For St. Francis it was an "unclean" leper. For St. Maximillian Kolbe it was "unclean" Jews.
For us in the 20th century it is "unclean" people of all kinds: whites, blacks, rich, poor, young, old, the aids infected, immigrants, unborn children, the dying, the unbeliever and on and on. As the Samaritan helped the "unclean" Jew, we too are to help the "unclean" of our age. If we show them compassion we are truly their neighbor and will inherit everlasting life.
- Don Claunch, sfo
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