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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, September 22, 2003
Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Ezra 1:1-6
Psalm 126:1-6
Luke 8:16-18

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

I have always found it surprising that so many arguments over faith and works erupt among the faithful. We are saved by faith alone, but St. James says that faith without works is dead. For me, there is no argument since Jesus spoke directly to this in today's gospel.

Nobody lights a lamp and hides it so its light does not shine. Likewise, nobody receives salvation and the wonderful gift of faith only to hide it so it is never seen. Those who have received salvation and faith -light, if you will- let the light shine through their works of love, charity, compassion and freedom.

You, my friends, have received this wonderful, never fading light of faith and salvation. Is your light placed in the open for all to see, or is it hidden away in secret?

There is no question, faith and works go together. You have received the light: now you must display it so that it shines on all others. Hidden, it will only fade and benefit no one. Not even the person to whom it was given.

- Don Claunch


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