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[Special note: OK, you’re wondering why I’m also posting Saturday’s meditation today, Friday. Right? Well, I’m going to be away Friday and Saturday for a wedding and will be playing flute with our little music group. Remember us all in your prayers, especially the bride and groom, Monique and Brian! --joachim]

The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, October 4, 2003
Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time

St. Francis of Assisi, religious, founder, deacon

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Baruch 4:5-12,27-29
Psalm 69:33-37
Luke 10:17-24

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Today as we read this Gospel, do we consider ourselves one of the seventy-two disciples? If we do, the message is quite clear: we must continue to try to accomplish the task set forth by Jesus to his disciples. The snakes and scorpions of our days are all the many temptations to sin that cross our paths daily. If we're caught up in the love of God, we'll rejoice no matter what comes our way through the power of the Holy Spirit - nothing will ever injure us.

As one of the seventy-two, we too are called to be a beacon of light to all who cross our path. We have been blessed and continue to be blessed knowing how much our God loves us. Let us always strive to share the knowledge of Jesus that we possess, by witnessing to all whom we meet each day. Remember the promise made to the disciples: "your names are inscribed in heaven."

Allow us, Lord Jesus, to continue your work here on earth!

- Deacon Bill Powers
(uujpow at aol dot com)


The Catholic Calendar for Friday, October 3, 2003
Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Baruch 1:15--22
Psalm 79:1-5,8-9
Luke 10:13-16

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

In today's readings and Gospel we get a very real sense of how consistently man has been favored by the Lord and yet has not faithfully heeded God's word and followed His ways. They are stories that communicate the tragedy that happens when God is not at the center of our thoughts, the greatest desire of our hearts.

Yet even in the experience of this palpable loss, the reality of the love that God bears for us, even when we sin and wontedly seek our own will is ever present. As repeatedly as we sin, so repeatedly does God forgive.

It is so like what many of us may have experienced - of investing a lot of time and energy into a person or project; of wanting them to succeed, of wanting things to work out well. That is how God is with us. He has invested so much in us - given us life and a share in His glory, ransomed us with the Blood of His Son. He is not willing to let go - to consider us no longer worth His mighty care and affection.

It is a thought worth remembering - that God unlike us doesn't give up so easily. In fact, He doesn't give up at all - ever! His mercy is as great as His love. As long as life is in us, the life that comes from Him can heal us - saved and forgiven. Let us then try with all our strength and determination not to offend God; but even when we do, to admit that we have sinned and seek the incomprehensible goodness and eagerness of His forgiveness.

Forgive me Lord,
like my forefathers I have sinned.
All my hope is in Your mercy.

- Donna Raye Nelson, ocds (drn3rd at hotmail dot com)


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