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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, October 18, 2003
Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

St. Luke, evangelist

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
2 Timothy 4:10-17
Psalm 145:10-13,17-18
Luke 10:1-9

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Today's feast, commemorating St. Luke the Evangelist, should be one of both warning and encouragement. For a period of time in this country, we have lived within the illusion of peace, serenity and well-being. Comfortable and well-off, we've enjoyed the blessings of a populous clergy preaching the faith and bringing us the sacraments. This was not always so; and it appears now that it shall greatly diminish as we enter increasingly pagan times in this country, even perhaps, among confusing signals from the magisterium itself.

As time passes, I find myself walking more and more among the company of the saints - those who heroically try to deny themselves in order to follow the call of God. I find a greater and greater contrast between those who accept and those who reject the Gospel of the Lord. I've also come to understand that the gospel message is just as valid for us today as in St. Luke's times. For example, consider what Jesus said to the 72 disciples as He sent them out into the world: The harvest is rich, but the workers are few... Be on your way, and remember: I am sending you as lambs in the midst of wolves.
(Luke 10:2-3)

Left to my own power, I know I don't have the guts to be a martyr for Jesus. Yet, how can I possibly refuse to place myself on the Lord's side? My only hope is to place all my trust in God, to live willingly each moment of every day as He desires of me. When we are called to speak or act for the Lord, it won't be us speaking or acting. No, it will be the Holy Spirit speaking through us, telling us what to say, directing our every action.

O Godhead
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
give us the courage and the strength
to move from moment to moment,
only in the ways you desire for us.
Amen, Amen

- Joachim


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