The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, October 7, 2003
Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Jonah 3:1-10
Psalm 130:1-4,7-8
Luke 10:38-42
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Mary has chosen the better part . . . . (Luke 10:42)
How can we best honor God? Simply put: Believe in His word, His truth, and live it in the love He showers upon us through Jesus Christ, His Living Word. Today's psalm describes God's redemptive power, His desire for His chosen people (and through them, the world) to see their sin, repent and learn to live united to Him in mind and heart. By doing this through His grace, the world can become as God originally envisioned, a place pervaded by joy, peace and justice.
Jonah had too narrow a view of God's love, so he refused going to Ninevah, a foreign land, to preach repentance, save its people from their self-destructive behavior. God, however, is very persuasive; for from the belly of a whale, Jonah prayed, promising to obey God's bidding. Jonah delivered God's message; the Ninevahites accepted it and God spared them. But the reluctant evangelist resented God's deliverance being extended beyond the Jews. God then showed him, through the growth and death of a vine that had shaded Jonah from the burning sun, that He has providence over all things and peoples. Jonah had need for a greater intimacy with God to gain knowledge of His infinite love.
Our Gospel deals with another problem experienced by those called upon to serve God. Considering themselves to be devout, they plunge into projects that are not in His perfect will. Martha concentrated on preparing and serving food to Jesus and His disciples, resenting her sister Mary for not helping but rather sitting at Jesus' feet to listen to His word. Though Jesus appreciates Martha's efforts to make Him welcome, He tells her that the greater honor would have been her listening to what He said, first taking nourishment from God's Word; for the value of what we give others is always determined by what we have first received from God.
Redeemer of the world, heal us of fear, petty jealousy and misguided works. Draw us to Your heart; imbue us with Your love and truth for the world's salvation. Amen.
- Marie Bocko, ocds (mlbocko at borg dot com)
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