The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Romans 5:12,15,17-21
Psalm 40:7-10,17
Luke 12:35-38
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant....
(Luke 12:37)
Among the strongest of human instincts is survival; on this fleshly level we will do almost anything to preserve our lives and those of our families. This works well on the animal level, but man is far more than flesh and blood; for when God breathed into Adam's nostrils, he became a living soul, a being made in the image of God to have everlasting life with Him. He created humanity specifically to share His holy life with us; with our permission and cooperation, He infuses us with His love and truth so we might enjoy Him ourselves and make Him known to the world, that together we may all share in His glory. Our first reading today reminds us of Adam's sin, the fall from God's grace that infects all humanity through him; but St. Paul reassures us that in Jesus Christ, the new Adam, we have been offered a reprieve and enabled to participate in the righteousness of God.
How can we appropriate this new life in Christ? The first step to healing is to admit one's illness and to seek a remedy. The answer is given more fully in today's Gospel, a call to vigilance. We must actively seek the kingdom of God not only for our own salvation, but we are to serve God by practicing the gift of faith He gives us, conforming our lives with that of His Son. In brief, our attitudes and actions must be self-sacrificing and self-giving if Christ, God, is to be made visible to others through us. God places His reputation squarely into our hands.
Now is the time for reformation, for the Master will come unexpectedly and may find us unprepared to give Him a good accounting of our stewardship. Those He finds living in His truth and love He will fill with His blessings in full measure to overflowing.
Most loving of Fathers,
pour out Your Spirit upon us,
that we may, like Christ,
become Your loving and obedient children,
giving glory to Your name. Amen.
- Marie Bocko, ocds (mlbocko at borg dot com)
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