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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Jonah 4:1-11
Psalm 86:3-6,9-10
Luke 4:1-4

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Lord, teach us to pray . . .

The proper school of prayer is at the feet of the Lord. He taught us a most efficacious prayer through His words. Through His actions, we see an even more perfect form of prayer.

How do we pray? We say, "Father, hallowed be thy name.” How do we hallow God's name? Elsewhere Jesus made it very clear, "If you love me you will keep my commands.” We hallow best what we love best. And when we address God as Father, we are trying to say that He is first and most loved of all persons.

In short, we pray through love, humility, and obedience. We pray by coming as little children to our Lord and God and placing absolute trust in His love for us. And when you think about it, how silly it is not to trust someone who paid the ultimate price for us. If we cannot trust such a one, whom can we turn to?

When we say Father, let's say it with full knowledge that we are His children. He cares for and loves each one of us. Just as a human father grieves over the trials and difficulties of his children, so too Our Father grieves over our trials. He grieves when we make choices that lead us away from Him.

Today, let's thank God for the wonderful gift He gave us in our adoption. He bridged the great chasm created by that first disobedience and he urges us to cross it, trusting in Him always.

Our Father, abba, and King of all,

Father . . .

- JuandelaCruz (sriddle415 at yahoo dot com)


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