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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, November 24, 2003
Thirty-fourth week in Ordinary Time

St. Andrew Dung-Lac, priest, martyr and companions, martyrs

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Daniel 1:1-6,8-20
Daniel 3:52-56
Luke 21:1-4

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Since the beginning of God's law ages ago we've been commanded to give back to the Lord from our first fruits. Not the leftovers or the pocket change or whatever we can afford provided it doesn't affect our lifestyle. The command is to give the first and the best.

How does this apply today? Well, it was just today that the members of my office staff were discussing at our weekly staff meeting what to do for Christmas. It was suggested, and the group unanimously decided, that instead of buying each other some small gift we would pool our money and provide a Christmas for some needy family. When the discussion came to how to select a family, I was shocked to learn from one of my fellow staff members that there were several very needy families right in our little company that employs about 1000 people. I had never realized that this was the case right in the place where I spend most of my day! I'm sure this situation is not unique.

As I reflected on this, I realized that my giving for charitable purposes and to the Lord had not always been of the first and best fruits. In fact, what pride I must have to even think that anything is mine to give anyway - since God is the true ‘owner’ of all things.

Jesus was very plain when he said that on the last day we will be judged by how we took care of things and some will be cast aside as He says ‘I don't know you.’ Whenever we give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothing to the naked we are doing it for the Lord. This ‘giving’ should be just like that of the widow in today's gospel: more than anyone else's - all we have. Something to think about as we enter this holiday season.

- Don Claunch,


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