The Catholic Calendar for Monday, November 3, 2003
Thirty-first week in Ordinary Time
St. Martin de Porres
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Romans 11:29-36
Psalm 68:30-31,33-34,36-37
Luke 14:12-14
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
St. Paul tells us in today's first reading that God's gifts are irrevocable. In other words, what He gives He freely and does not ask
for it back.
Compare this with the instruction that Jesus gives in today's Gospel. He tells the Pharisees that when they hold a banquet they are to invite beggars, the crippled, lame and blind. In other words, those who could never hold a banquet themselves and pay the Pharisee back.
As Christians we are to be a Christlike, and therefore as Godlike as possible. Just as God's gifts to us are irrevocable, our gifts to others are to be irrevocable as well. God has given us the gift of eternal life for which we are unable to repay. We, in turn, are to give gifts that can never be repaid to us. The result is twofold: it provides for the poor and helpless brothers and sisters and it prohibits us from ever being repaid and falling victim to the sin of pride..
How wonderful the teachings of our Lord that his instruction causes us to accomplish two things at once!
- Don Claunch, sfo
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