The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, November 22, 2003
Thirty-third week in Ordinary Time
St. Cecilia, virgin, martyr
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Maccabees 6:1-13
Psalm 9:2-4,6,16,19
Luke 20:27-40
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
'I will declare all your wondrous deeds.
The psalmist has hold of a key concept here. The more he focuses on what the Lord has done for him, the less he is concerned about what the world, or his enemies can do to him. The more he sings about the goodness of the Lord, the deeper-ingrained his trust in Yaweh.
The Israelites have a long history in terms of what the Lord had done for them. This was no mere ritual, it was an active, vibrant, remembering of how God had intervened on their behalf. The Seder is a reminder of the events that led to their deliverance from Egypt. Chanukah is a reminder of how the Lord provided for all their needs in the midst of a siege.
Perhaps when we feel overwhelmed, or persecuted, or even just plain stressed-out, we should take a few moments and repeat to ourselves the wondrous things the Lord has done for us, personally. The job He provided. The just judgment in our favor in court. The loved ones He has surrounded us with. The gorgeous sunrises/sunsets. The rain that nourishes the earth and makes things grow that we may eat. The close-in parking spot, when we really needed one - or didn't! Truly, He is a God of wonders, and does them all for me! And you! Look around and consider what He has done for you, and give Him glory today!
Jubilate Deo!
- Rose Atiyeh @>-->--
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