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The Catholic Calendar for Friday, December 5, 2003
First Week of Advent

First Friday

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 29:17-24
Psalm 27:1,4,13-14
Matthew 9:27-31

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Do you believe I can make you see?
(Matthew 9:28)

Interesting words our Lord uses, especially in our world today where exists quite the opposite: Seeing is believing! That's usually the preferred gauge of truth nowadays.

To that end, it seems that some of us go to great lengths to try to make the season bright. What? How utterly ironic, isn't it? The Light of the world is born, and we think we have to try to brighten things up! For example, every year around this time we see the homes of folks, usually featured on the evening news, who have obviously spent exorbitant time and money on elaborate house lighting displays. I don't know about you, but I have yet to see such a display that made me ponder the reality of Christ in our world, and in my own heart.

O dear Lord,

I believe only You can make me see.

Open my eyes!

You are the True Light in this world.

We cannot see You,

yet we cannot see without You!

Lead us,

heal us,

make us to reflect Your Light in this world.


- Nancy Collingwood


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