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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, December 29, 2003
The Fifth day in the Octave of Christmas

St. Thomas Becket, bishop, martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 John 2:3-11
Psalm 96:1-3,5-6
Luke 2:22-35

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

For many folks, Christmas is all over. They're throwing out the tree, tearing down decorations -- happy, it seems, to have the whole thing over. For those who live Christmas as intended, the celebration continues. The candles, a sign of the Light of Christ that has come into the world, still blaze. The Christmas Crib remains, awaiting the adoring Magi.

It's a challenge to remain rooted in the true meaning of all our celebrations; it requires constant vigilance and determination to have Christ as the center of our lives and therefore the reason for any meaningful traditions.

Let us pray then that The Grace that came down from heaven that first Christmas Day will remain with us and illuminate us in a world that seems to have lost its way. Let us be encouraged by the words of Holy Scripture. Let us allow the meaning of all this, to soak into our hearts and permeate all our activities.

God so loved the world that in the fullness of time He sent His only Son
that whosoever should believe in Him might not perish, but have eternal life.”

(see John 3:16)

Now that is something to celebrate!

- Donna Nelson, ocds
(drn3rd at hotmail dot com)


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