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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, December 6, 2003
First week of Advent
St. Nicholas, bishop

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26
Psalm 147:1-6
Matthew 9:35--10:1,6-8

Please welcome our new Catholic author, Karl Kohlhase, a talented musician and composer of contemporary Christian music. Be sure to visit Karl’s interesting website for more information. We will be excerpting from Karl’s weblog as he journeys with his wife and children to the Lord. Please note that his reflections will not be precisely based on the scripture for the Saturday liturgies.

Prayer + Perseverance + Patience = Peace
That seems to be the way it works for me anyway. If I'm bothered about something, or if I am convinced that the Lord should be doing this or that, this is how I approach it.
First, I pray.
When that doesn't produce any results, but I still have faith that what I was asking about is God's will, then I persevere and pray some more. Then some more... Remember the parable of the old woman who wore out that judge with her constant requests? God is not like a fast food drive through window. He asks us to persevere in prayer and not lose heart.
This is where patience comes in. I need to remember the Lord is not on the same time table as I am, and I am NOT His counselor.
When I'm persevering in prayer and patiently waiting for the answer then I can have peace in the middle of the storm, even before my miracle arrives.

- Karl Kohlhase


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