The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, December 25, 2003
The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Day)
Scripture from the Mass during the day:
Isaiah 52:7-10
Psalm 98:1-6
Hebrews 1:1-6
John 1:1-18
A reflection on the Readings from Christmas Day:
The Word Was With God
And the word was God. Nothing that has happened from the very beginning has happened without the knowledge of Jesus, Lord and Brother. He has been through all of time and is present at all time.
On the feast of the Nativity we celebrate a single historical moment, when He who is outside of time and Lord of all time, entered it at the behest of His Father to redeem it forever and make it God's.
When we look upon the struggling infant in a bed of straw, we must recall that this is the Creator of the Universe. This is the all-powerful Word who is indeed God. This is God, robed in flesh, and come into time to make time His own in a very particular way.
God is with us. We are reminded time and again. And today, amid the lights, the packages, the celebrations and the feasts, take time as a person, as a family, as a household, as a community, to remember Jesus Christ, who came to us as a baby, marked for sorrow early in His childhood, and loved as no child since has ever been loved. Loved by the Father as the Father loves Himself, and loved by the Mother, who born without original sin, was capable of the most perfect of human loves -- approaching the divine. When we reflect upon this, let us recall that this love was incarnate to be shared with all of us. Our Christmas gift is this -- the knowledge, the certain, rock-solid knowledge that God loves each of us as much as He loved that only Son, and that the blessed Virgin cares for each of us as she cared so tenderly for that Child of her womb.
May you have a most joyous and fulfilling Christmas!
- JuandelaCruz, (sriddle415 at yahoo dot com)
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