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Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful!
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The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, December 4, 2003
First Week of Advent

St. John of Damascus, priest, doctor of the Church

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 26:1-6
Psalm 118:1,8-9,19-21,25-27
Matthew 7:21,24-27

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Today's readings remind us that Advent is a time for action as well as a time for waiting. It is not enough to call on the name of the Lord. We're also urged to act in solidarity with the poor, the marginalized, all those who can't speak or act for themselves. It may be children, or an elderly family member or neighbor. It may be someone we will never see or know that we reach through the many calls on our generosity through the Catholic Campaign For Human Development, or the Collection For Retired Religious.

Prayer is the spark, meditation is the flame, action is the fire that the Holy Spirit helps us ignite on the earth. Let us stir ourselves each day that we may be ready for the coming of the King!

- Msgr. Paul Whitmore
(smartins at twcny dot rr dot com)


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