The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, December 9, 2003
First Week of Advent
St. Juan Diego
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 40:1-11
Psalm 96:1-3,10-13
Matthew 18:12-14
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
If he finds the stray sheep, he rejoices. . . (see Matthew 18:13)
During this blessed season we anticipate joyfully the coming of our Savior in human flesh, prepare ourselves to receive God's love offered to us in Christ. In taking on our flesh, Jesus demonstrates the great dignity of man, our being worthy of forgiveness and regeneration, able to participate in His goodness and glory.
Today's readings reflect the tender care God has for humanity, His diligent, unceasing search for every lost soul. So many are like foolish sheep who refuse to be led by the Good Shepherd and instead insist on wandering from the safety of God's flock, placing themselves in the danger of perishing in the wilderness of this world. In Christ, our lives find safety, a new life; for if we are willing to die to our sin with Him, amend our selfish, mindless and heartless ways, we can be made holy, fit to abide with Him in eternal life.
If we have carefully listened to Matthew's gospel reading today, one particular phrase should stand out in our minds. We are told that the lost sheep can be saved only if he finds it. Although nothing and no one is ever hidden from God's eyes, we retain our free will, continue to run and try to hide each time He approaches us. Isaiah's words are a valuable reminder of our mortality, that we will perish like "grass," and we may have no tomorrow when we can be saved from eternal death.
Lord of all,
draw us to Yourself
that we may live in the joy and glory
of Your new life.
- Marie Bocko, ocds (mlbocko at borg dot com)
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