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The Catholic Calendar for December 23, 2003
The Fourth Week of Advent

O Come,
God's presence among us, our King, our Judge:
save us, Lord our God!

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word
Malachi 3:1-4,23-24
Psalm 25:4-5,8-10,14
Luke 1:57-66

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

“Lo, I am sending a messenger to prepare the way before me.”

Throughout Bible history God has dealt with His people through prophets, sent to awaken them to their sin and to point them toward reconciliation with Him. Through Moses God gave His chosen people the Law of love, the most basic rules for establishing a community pervaded by peace and justice. God intended His "chosen" to be an example to other nations, as they lived in His love and truth.

It became evident through His people's moral failures that the law alone was not sufficient, for it only pointed out their sinful behavior. They needed additional help to actually live in God's goodness and holiness; so He planned sending them a Messiah to free them, not from oppression by other nations but oppression from “self,” which lies at the root of all sin. Through this Savior and His Holy Spirit, His people would receive all the grace they needed enabling them to fulfill the Law. Scripture attests that God works slowly and meticulously in preparing His people for change. At this point John the Baptist enters salvation history.

John was the last of the “old prophets” sent to prepare God's people to receive their Messiah and another covenant promising them a renewed life which they could see perfectly fulfilled in Christ's own human flesh. The Baptist's mission was to show God's chosen their need for admitting, repenting of and being cleansed of their sin; for this is the first and most essential step toward a true conversion leading to salvation.

God of love and truth,
open our hearts to receive You
and allow You to transform us from within
into the image of Your Son.

- Marie Bocko, ocds
(mlbocko at borg dot com)


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