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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, December 31, 2003
The Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas

St. Sylvester I, pope

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 John 2:18-21
Psalm 96:1-2,11-13
John 1:1-18

Whatever came to be in him, found life.
John 1:4)

The apostle John reveals in his letter that the infant Church was being afflicted with those who denied Christ's identity and so departed from her. He explains the reason for their desertion to be their lacking knowledge of the truth because they had not received the anointing of Christ's Holy Spirit. God never denies His Spirit to anyone; His self-giving love and truth is ever seeking entrance into our hearts and minds. It is our free will choosing unbelief that prevents our being imbued with the Spirit and truth.

Psalm 96, however, expresses an everlasting hope, a rejoicing in anticipation of God fulfilling His promise to send us a Savior and through Him provide the power to restore the world to justice and peace. Salvation comes from God; history proves that unaided by our Creator, man cannot shun evil. But the final choice rests upon each person.

John's Gospel explains how God fulfilled His promise of salvation, by sending His living Word to us in human flesh. We learn that Christ made all that exists, creating man in the image of God to shine forth and share with one another the goodness and glory of our heavenly Father. Christ also gave Himself for us to cancel our sin and overcome the darkness it casts over the earth. He gives us His Spirit to provide the grace of truth and the love of God that enable us to follow the Word and so conquer the evil invading humanity. At Christmas, God's promise of new life was made a reality. How shall we answer?

Spirit of Truth, throughout this coming year grant us
the additional grace we need to accept God's Word
and live in it so we may be led to the joy of eternal life.


- Marie Bocko, ocds
(mlbocko at borg dot com)


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