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The Catholic Calendar for Friday, January 9, 2004
Friday after Epiphany

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 John 5:14-21
Psalm 149:1-6,9
John 3:22-30

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

In the first reading today, we're confronted with very heavy theology concerning "Spirit", "Water", and "Blood." It is very difficult for us to understand these metaphors, although we know that Jesus shed His blood on the Cross, sweated drops of blood, gave us His blood to drink, and that blood is synonymous with life itself. He was baptized in water, water poured from His side on the cross, and we are buried to sin in the waters of baptism. The Spirit links both water and blood, in the divine and the human nature of Jesus, symbolized by the pouring of a few drops of water into the wine at Mass. Jesus is unquestionably both human and divine.

In the Gospel, Jesus is so compassionate to an outcast afflicted with a skin disorder. Against the prescriptions of the Law, Jesus touches the leper as He heals him. Then, in deference to the Law, Jesus sends the man to the priest who alone could declare him clean. We must be so very careful as we perform works of charity that we first identify ourselves with them through our respect, our kindness, our patience, and our love in the very act of assisting them. We must be careful to preserve the dignity of those we serve.

- Msgr. Paul Whitmore
(smartins at twcny dot rr dot com)


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