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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, January 3, 2004
Christmas Weekday

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 John 2:29-3:6
Psalm 98:1,3cd-4,5-6
John 1:29-34

A random reflection . . .

The Parables of Christ as Motivators.

This may not seem so profound to you, but this thought has gripped my mind for the last couple of weeks. I'm beginning to see how the parables of Christ are more than lessons to make the ignorant more informed about the Kingdom. More than simply knowledge imparted. They are motivators.

Take, for instance, the parable of the talents. Two servants invested their talents, much to the master's delight; while the other hid his and returned it (without interest) to his master when he returned, to the lord's hot displeasure.

This simple story has become a driving force in my life in the last year. It compels me. It motivates me. It moves me like a powerful engine that chugs a railway plow through great drifts of snow. When I am tempted to give up or loosen up, these words pull me through and drive me onward to invest all I can into the work of the Kingdom. It's as if this parable is becoming as strong as a drive as my natural instinct to find food when I am hungry. "Give up?", I say, "I can't give up! God is expecting a return on His investment."

What a wonderful gift our Lord has given us! That same Word of God that made the heavens and the earth, that healed the lame and raised the dead is available to us, able to reach and transform even my stubbornly stiff-necked will.

The parables as motivators. Think about it.

Lord, let Your Word have its full effect on me
and all Your people. Amen.

- Karl Kohlhase


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