The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, January 15, 2004
Thursday, First Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from the Mass during the day:
1 Samuel 4:1-11
Psalm 44:10-11,14-15,25-26
Mark 1:40-45
A reflection on today's sacred scripture:
I do will it. Be made clean.
If you will it, Lord Jesus, we can be made clean. We can be healed. We can claim glory and become truly the children of God. We hear of a physical healing, the sign of our Lord's power.
But an even greater sign of our Lord's power is the Holy Church which for 2000 years has ministered on Earth making clean all the people of God through the administration of the sacraments, most particularly that of confession.
When we turn to God and ask Him, He will make us clean. He can do anything He wishes. However, He also established normal channels on Earth for this process. Before we resort to the extraordinary, before we pray for a miracle, before we make a special request, it would be wise to avail ourselves of the great gift God has given us. Confession, If you will it, I can be made clean. Indeed Jesus does will it -- He has given us means good and sufficient to be made clean. So we have great cause to thank God.
- JuandelaCruz, (sriddle415 at yahoo dot com)
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