The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, January 6, 2003
Tuesday after Epiphany
Bl. Andre Bessette, religious
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word
1 John 4:7-10
Psalm 72:1-4,7-8
Mark 6:34-44
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Today we hear the parable of the loaves and the fishes. Today's Gospel shows how Jesus, with the little resources available to Him, still managed to feed in excess of 5000 men.
Very often, in our own personal circumstances, we despair at the little resources we have, be it time, money, talent, or knowledge. We think that if only we had this, or we were like that etcetera, we would achieve our goals. Yet each day we're called to use what we're given -- even though it may be little -- and God will bless and multiply our efforts according to the purpose He desires.
So let us remember that in the face of daunting and mind-challenging obstacles, we must not stop and despair but we must continue to use all the resources that are available to us and just trust in the Lord that He will make up for our discrepancies and shortfalls according to His holy will.
Lord God, grant us wisdom
to make do with all the gifts You put at our disposal
trusting that we will use the little we have
to serve Your greater purpose.
- Cliodhna Doyle
(clia at cliadoyle dot com)
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