The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Wednesday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
St. Thomas Aquinas, priest, doctor of the Church
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
2 Samuel 7:4-17
Psalm 89:4-5,27-30
Mark 4:1-20
A reflection on today's Scripture. . . .
Seeds sown on good soil. . . .
The miracle of Christmas has offered us the most precious gift possible. Christ, our Messiah, came in human flesh bearing a new life to us which He revealed in His words and deeds. Just as children perpetuate our earthly bodies, we are called on to also convey to this world, our spiritual life -- the holiness originally given to us by our heavenly Father. God made us creatures that incorporate flesh and spirit; but free will, our disobedience, broke our intimate connection with God. This separation from His love and truth has resulted in our world's miseries.
Christ came to heal that relationship by first taking upon Himself the punishment of death we deserved for our sin. Second, He gave us His Holy Spirit to provide the grace we need to be made holy by living in the love and truth of God. Salvation is God's gift, but humanity must hear, accept God's Word and make it visible in its daily lives through obedience to His Spirit, our teacher, guide and strength on life's journey.
The key to holiness is receptivity, our ability to say, yes to the Spirit's promptings. Today's Gospel teaches that only good ground can bear much fruit to nourish the human spirit. God has given us the awesome power to bring life or death into this world.
Glorious Lord, impress upon our hearts Your call to fully participate in Your goodness and holiness, truly bringing to and sharing with the world Your precious life. Amen.
- Marie Bocko, ocds
(mlbocko at borg dot com)
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