The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, January 7, 2004
Wednesday after Epiphany
St. Raymond of Penyafort, priest
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 John 4:11-18
Psalm 72:1-2,10,12-13
Mark 6:45-52
Perfect love casts out all fear. (1 John 4:18)
Today's scripture suggests the relationship between our faith, our love for and trust in God, that gives us the ability to overcome fear during trying times. The Gospel today follows immediately after Christ's disciples had witnessed His miracle of multiplying a few loaves and fish to feed thousands plus creating baskets of leftovers. Afterwards, when Jesus had gone to pray, His men began crossing the lake in a fierce wind. They became even more terrified at seeing Jesus walking on the water, coming to aid them. The reading ends on a note of incomprehension, the disciples' inability to see beyond Jesus' acts; their imperfect faith had rendered them unable to recognize in Him the very power and infinite love of God.
John's first letter examines another dimension of faith; its measure, its genuineness, is manifested by the scope of our love. If we have a deep knowledge of and trust in God, if He and His love truly abide within our hearts, we will not limit it to Him alone but extend it to every other human being we encounter. God's work in us on this earth amounts to His teaching us to love Him and one another perfectly. When this takes place, usually after a struggle of many years, then our every fear will vanish; for being of one heart and mind with God, we are no longer threatened by anything in our lives.
Merciful God,
help us to see that every circumstance in our lives
is permitted and willed by You,
that our love and faith may grow together,
may lead us to life eternal. Amen
- Marie Bocko, ocds (mlbocko at borg dot com)
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