The Catholic Calendar for Monday, February 9, 2004
Monday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary TIme
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Kings 8:1-7,9-13
Psalm 132:6-10
Mark 6:53-56
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
The Healing Presence
This place where You dwell, You make awesome. This vessel You inhabit becomes sacred. This temple You fill with Your glory...and protect in the shadowing wings of Cherubim...oh joyous covenant of Love, God with us. The house of each soul is made Princely by the One who inhabits it. Behold the ark where our Beloved abides eternally. The first reading today reveals to waiting hearts, God's dwelling in covenantal presence with His espoused BeLoved.
Our waiting hearts see that it is within each of us that the Lord takes up His dwelling. He presents Himself, the eternal covenant, breathing Love into life, in the ark of each Be-Loved. Life is begotten and breathes back Love to the beloved as aspirations, the fruit of His Inspiration...the breath of Love is adoration for Him. Holy. Holy. Holy.
The tassels of His indwelling Presence thus heal the souls we pass each day when they encounter Him in their kind eyes, loving smiles, gentle words, caring labor, listening hearts, suffering perseverance: spouse, child, coworker, client, a sick or dying or troubled one....
O come,
let His espoused adore Him
in the Ark of each Be-Loved soul
we encounter throughout this day.
- Mary Williams
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