The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, February 14, 2004
Saturday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time
St. Cyril, monk and St. Methodius, bishop
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Kings 12:26-32; 13:33-34
Psalm 106:6-7,19-22
Mark 8:1-10
A reflection on today's Scripture:
My heart is moved with pity for the crowd.
Jesus knows just how starved we are for fellowship with Him! He too longs for us to come to Him to be nourished, but we are sometimes such creatures of habit, and so easily led. Look at the Israelites in the Old Testament reading: Jeroboam made them a substitute god, and they were satisfied, because they had a thing to worship (and furthermore, a thing which made few demands that they change their lives). It's very very easy to exchange our glory for the image of a grass-eating bullock (a Ford Taurus!) or for the image and glamour of power, or riches, or whatever.
It is when we remember the Lord and how He loves us that we realize the glory of our heritage in Him. Seek Him always, do not forsake Him, for He longs to be with you, to love you, heal you, redeem you, change you from glory to glory --- we shall never have our fill of HIM, that's for sure! He always has more for us.
My soul rejoices in my God,
and my spirit proclaims the greatness of the Lord!
May we be ever in search of His love!
- Rose Atiyeh @>-->--
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