The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, February 21, 2004
Saturday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
St. Peter Damian, bishop, doctor of the Church
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
James 3:1-10
Psalm 12:2-5,7-8
Mark 9:2-13
A reflection on today's Scripture:
The Word.
Consumed by what we consume...
the Word Incarnate whom we hear
with our ears
in the Liturgy of the Word
and receive with our tongues
in the Liturgy of the Eucharist
transforms and transfigures us into the Word.
Repositories of this Word made flesh again in us,
we become both tabernacle and monstrance
with those around us.
The Word that we share with others then,
is the word of our actions,
our care-full relationships and our dedicated work.
It incarnates as prayer-full com-passionate service
to soulful redemption.
We listen to His BeLoved Son
who takes up His dwelling within us
when we are void of the darkness of self and sin
that eclipses the Light of the Word.
He becomes ever so visible to the Father
and to others as on Mount Tabor.
We see and know the Father
who looks with favor on His only begotten Son
dwelling within us.
May we take in the Word with eager, listening hearts.
May we Present Him will-fully to all.
May we adore Him and the Father
whose Love makes us new.
- Mary Williams
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