Saturday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Saturday, February 28, 2004
Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 58:9b-14
Psalm 86:1-6
Luke 5:27-32
A reflection on today's Scripture:
Gifted, we are asked to give. . .
The reading from Isaiah voices the Lords clear will for us regarding the Sabbath, our holy time with Him. He pledges in return, to nourish us as heirs of His eternal promise. Our beloved, spousal Lord places His covenantal invitation before us: to humbly give to Him the littleness of our willing hearts and actions. He asks us to empty ourselves of the sin that displaces the room in our lives intended for His Love. The bread and satisfaction we then bestow on others are the bread of His Love, eucharistically feeding and satisfaction of the consolation others experience.
The denial of self on the Sabbath appears small, like the apple in the Garden of Eden. Yet when we deny ourselves in the free willing of self to our Beloved, our humble little gift prompts His joyful guidance, perpetual renewal and His promises to provide and care for us in all ways.
He rebuilds the ruins of our interior kingdom. He raises up the foundation that is His Life from which our life rises. He repairs the breach of covenant broken by our sinful self-will. He restores the ruined homestead of His dwelling within us. And we in corresponding love are compelled to go and do the same with others... to love as we have been Loved. We are thus His begotten children, the heirs of this wealth that is Love.
- Mary Williams
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