The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, February 12, 2004
Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Kings 11:4-13
Psalm 106:3-4,35-37,40
Mark 7:24-30
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Let the children be fed first. . .
Jesus makes clear in many ways that while His message comes first to the people of the first covenant, the Children of Israel. But He did not come only to Israel, and this is one of the place He reveals His mission in scripture.
What is the meaning of this to us today--all of this has already happened, how can it have any significance? It is meaningful because Jesus Christ comes to each of us today. Every person has the opportunity to receive Him and believe.
Sometimes we feel too unworthy of His Love--and we are correct, we are unworthy. On the other hand it is His Love that in turn makes us worthy of love. We are lovable because He loves us. And that is an important point to remember. We approach the throne of grace not under our own power, but in the power of His redemptive love. And while it sometimes seems we stray far from it and are not worthy to return--still while the children may be fed first even the dogs under the table get the scraps, and these scraps are enough and more than enough. So, if you ever have a dog-under-the-table day, recall that Jesus speaks to you and redeems you even as you feel unworthy. We are all children of God, all offered the same love and the same redemption.
- JuandelaCruz
(sriddle415 at yahoo dot com)
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