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The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Tuesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Saint Scholastica, virgin

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Kings 8:22-23,27-30
Psalm 84:3,4,5,10,11
Mark 7:1-13

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

The readings chosen by the Church for the feast of St. Scholastica are a challenge for all of us and a tribute to this saint.

In the first reading we hear the prayer of Solomon “If the heavens cannot contain you how much less this temple.”
(I Kings 8) We might have the same thoughts at times regarding God dwelling within each of us, in the temple of our souls. The reality is awesome! If Solomon was overwhelmed over God dwelling in his temple made of stone, what joy we rightfully experience over becoming living temples! As the psalm chosen for today states “How lovely are your dwelling places, Lord, Mighty God.”

The day to day challenge for us lies in the gospel. Once God dwells within us, He expects more than just ‘lip service’ from us. God is a God of Love. He is LOVE itself and thus our thoughts, words and actions rightfully should reflect that love-bond with Him who is dwelling within us. God does not demand that love from us, in fact He has given us free will. It is just that He loves us so very much, each one of us, and hopes for that love in return.

St. Scholastica, help us to love, LOVE as you have done!

- Joan of Jesus, ocds
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)


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