Saturday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Saturday, March 27, 2004
Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm 7:2-3,9-12
John 7:40-53
A reflection on today's Scripture:
In Baptism, God creates us in His image and likeness--a lamb, pure, innocent and trusting. He begets us as His very own, His beLoved. He Himself shepherds and cares for us in all.
We are prey, pursued by the deadliness of sin--our own, or others. Like the Lamb we must persevere in trusting obedience for our Shepherd. Safely we take refuge in Him; a shield before me is our God.
He Himself frees us from bondage in the first Passover. The Passover meal, like the Last Supper, begins the passing to freedom. He Himself leads us to new Life in the promised land, the Kingdom of God. Our Lenten desert is a womb time as He re-forms what is dead in sin to resemble Him in new Life. He leads us, from the womb of the desert tomb to resurrected Life in Him. He begets us to new Life and feeds us with the holy manna and drink that is of Him. He makes us flesh of His flesh.
Lord, help us accept Your gift of faith that frees us to trust.
Let us see You, as the shield before us.
Let us accept Your new covenant through the Passover blood of Jesus. Freed from the bondage of sin we are led to new Life in the promised land that is You.
Give us this day our daily bread that is You in the Eucharist.
And let us do this in remembrance of You for one another. Amen
- Mary Williams
(wlmsconsul at pdq dot net)
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