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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, March 13, 2004
Saturday of the Second Week of Lent

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Micah 7:14-15,18-20
Psalm 103:1-4,9-12
Luke 15:1-3,11-32

A reflection on today's Scripture:

Today's gospel is the beautiful story of the Prodigal Son. It provides us with a wonderful representation of God's mercy and love. Like the father of the Prodigal Son, our Heavenly Father desires to give us every good thing. So too, He will not interfere with our free will. He allows us to choose where we will go and what we will do.

Like the Prodigal Son, we often discover our choices have led us to heartache, sorrow and destitution. While we have been gone, God our ever-faithful Father has been waiting. He has watched and waited, ready to greet us with open arms. He is ready and anxious to forgive all our sinful and foolish transgressions. He is ready to restore us whole (and holy) into His presence.

God waits. He longs for us. He wants us back. Let us turn from meaningless paths that lead us astray. Let us go home.

- Donna Nelson, ocds
(drn3rd at hotmail dot com)


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