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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, March 20, 2004
Saturday of the Third Week of Lent

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hosea 6:1-6
Psalm 51:3-4,18-21
Luke 18:9-14

A reflection on today's Scripture:

He Will Bring Us Back to Life

Hosea reminds us that our God who wants nothing more than a contrite spirit and our espoused faithfulness. He reminds us that God desires for us to know and to love Him.

Jesus’ parable in Luke echoes the message of God’s mercy. God alone justifies us, makes us holy and pleasing to Him. We humbly acknowledge our sinfulness and guilt. Psalm 51 choruses this beautifully with a soul that fully acknowledges guilt and with a sincere heart implores God to “wash me until I am whiter than snow.” These become our Lenten aspirations as we pray, “hide not Your face from me, do not banish me from Your presence nor deprive me of Your Holy Spirit.”

We can clearly see the process of our sin being “seen” in the pure judgment of God. We acknowledge our sins and repent. We are His beLoved and we return to God with willing repentance and reparation. Hosea voices the faith we share, “...after a day or two He will bring us back to Life; on the third day He will raise us and we shall live in His presence.”

In His presence we have new Life which is seen with great hope. The journey of suffering and reproach is then not feared. “Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.” Each time we stray let us hasten to return to our beLoved, acknowledge our guilt, repent, make reparation in the sacraments and rejoice that He raises us to new Life.


- Mary Williams
(wlmsconsul at pdq dot net)


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