Thursday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Thursday, March 11, 2004
Thursday of the Second Week of Lent
Scripture from todays Liturgy of the Word:
Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1:1-4,6
Luke 16:19-31
A reflection on todays Sacred Scripture:
Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings. . .
Just rest for a moment and consider the truth of that statement. Think about it for a moment. God isnt cursing the person who trusts people. Rather He is telling us through His prophets that it is a spiritual law that if your trust is placed in human beings you are cursed -- youll be disappointed.
The greatest of servants fails. The most loving and trusted of people sometimes cannot do what we need. But nothing is beyond the power of God. God accomplishes all things necessary. If we trust in Him we cannot be disappointed because well have all that we need for His service. Well never have all that we want, because want breeds more want. But God will make certain that we have everything we need in every particular.
But it is important to remember that what were given, were given to use for others. Were not to hoard it and keep it to ourselves. Rather, were to be like artesian wells, allowing the bounty of God that comes from our trust in Him to flow out to everyone around us. Dont put a cap on the well -- trust in God and serve others, and the well of Life-giving water will never run dry. You will be the servant of servants, and God will continually bless you and your service. For then your joy and your trust will be in the Lord -- and what greater blessing is there?
- JuandelaCruz
(sriddle415 at yahoo dot com)
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