Monday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Monday, April 5, 2004
Monday of Holy Week
Scripture from Monday's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 42:1-7
Psalm 27:1-3,13-14
John 12:1-11
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
St. Paul says that the root of all evil is the love of money.
We know that in a few days Judas will betray the Lord for thirty pieces of silver; and that act, combined with his reaction to Marys anointing of Jesus today, shows us where his true love is.
We need to remind ourselves that money in itself is not evil. Its what mankind does with money that is evil. And boiling it all down, what mankind does with money comes to one thing: idolatry.
And we know how much God hates idolatry.
So Judas loved his idol so much that he betrayed the Only Son of God, sending an innocent man to his execution. During this final week of Lent, let us examine ourselves. What idols do we love? Why? How do we get rid of this love of them? How do we get back to loving the one true God? Let us remember, every time we love our idols more than Him, we crucify Christ all over again.
- Don Claunch
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