Saturday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Saturday, April 10, 2004
Holy Saturday
A reflection for early Holy Saturday morning:
I lay down my life in order to take it up again.John 10:17
It appears as rest, this Sabbath tomb,
where grievers honoring The One -- await to anoint the Be Loved.
It is rather the place of the I lay down my life... of descent. He descended into Hell, into the Out of the depths I cry out to You,
O Lord, hear my prayer...
The tomb opens the path to gather into Himself those who wait for the coming of the Savior, into new life in Him. Victorious over sin and death He humbly descends under all.
The tomb is the place of the order to take it up again... through the Resurrection.
He takes all that has died and raises it to New Life in Him.
The tomb echoes His suffering -- so deep and wide that no soul is missed.
Through the tomb He takes His life down so low that none are left behind as He gathers into Himself each one for all eternity --
so that all are in Him and invited to remain in Him, in The One.
He prays, He trusts, He accomplishes this desire, Father, may they be one in Us, as You are in Me and I am in You... that they may be One as We are One. With Me in them and You in Me, may they be so completely One. (John 17:21,23)
The Go-d News is that He has accomplished all in All.
Peace be with you.
We need only to trust, obey, remain.
- Mary Williams
(wlmsconsul at pdq dot net)
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