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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Wednesday of the Third Week of Easte
St. Peter Chanel, priest, martyr
St. Louis Mary de Montfort, priest, and author
of “True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Scripture from Wednesday’s Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 8:1-8
Psalm 66:1-7
John 6:35-40

A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture:

“It is the will of him who sent me that I should lose nothing...
rather, that I should raise it up on the last day.”
(John 6:29)

Today’s reading brings great joy to our hearts, for though the Church has suffered many persecutions through the ages, God’s Word has proven indestructible. Rather than extinguishing God’s truth and love by trying to stamp it out, it has only raised many sparks that have spread God’s fire to new areas. Such was the case after Stephen’s martyrdom and the escape of Christ’s followers to other regions where they could offer the “bread of life” to others perhaps more receptive.

Ignorance of God, complacency and envy made many of the religious leaders in Christ’s nation blind to His identity. Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel, read in its entirety, presents Christ as the embodiment of God’s truth and love who will endure through all time by a continual giving of Himself. The body of Christ which perished on the cross on Good Friday was resurrected to a new spiritual life on Easter Sunday.

Jesus tells us that throughout all time, we can renew His new life within us each time that in faith we partake of His Body and Blood. Communion is not a mere symbol but real food that nourishes us in both body and spirit. As we approach the altar to receive Christ, let us join our hearts with His to go forth into the world bearing His love and truth and so draw all others to Him.

Father God,
make the Easter spirit
to dwell ever more fully within our hearts,
that its overflow may bless others with Christ's life.

- Marie Bocko, ocds
(mlbocko at borg dot com)


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