Wednesday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Wednesday in the Octave of Easter
Scripture from Wednesdays Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 3:1-10
Psalm 105:1-4,6-9
Luke 24:13-35
A reflection on todays Sacred Scripture:
How slow you are to believe what the prophets have announced.
(Luke 24:25)
Faith is a gift from God given to all who seek Him. It is the most basic virtue that opens the door to all the other gifts with which He desires to bless us. Faith engenders hope for better things extending beyond the here and now. It draws us to prayer, our means of growing in a knowledge of our all-holy God. As we come to know Him in the depths of our souls, were infused by His love until we become one with Him in mind, heart and will. Peter gave the crippled man seeking alms a greater gift than mere coins. By restoring the mans ability to walk, Peter gave him not only physical freedom, but also freed his spirit by giving him faith in God, infinitely broadening his lifes horizons.
How genuine and steadfast is our faith in Christ, our Savior? Now that our Lenten fasts are over and the celebration of His Easter glory--His resurrection--has passed, will we fall back into an unthinking participation in our daily and Sunday rituals?
When we approach the Eucharist, let us recall the two disciples at Emmaus and experience their joy anew by also recognizing Him, our Lord, in the breaking of the bread and pouring out of the wine. His flesh was rent for us and His blood poured out for our salvation. He gave Himself to us completely, body, blood, soul and divinity. Were called to this same self-giving to Him and, as a result, to others. Renewed in soul, may we bring His resurrection life into this world.
Spirit of truth and love,
fill us with humility
as we recall Christs sacrifice for sinners;
grant us the grace to participate
in His holiness and be saved.
- Marie Bocko, ocds
(mlbocko at borg dot com)
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