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The Catholic Calendar for Friday, May 28, 2004
Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Scripture from Friday’s Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 25:13-21
Psalm 103:1-2,11-12,19-20
John 21:15-19

A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture:

The first reading today narrates the intense determination of the Jewish leaders to either assassinate Paul themselves or have the Roman authorities put him to death. Because of Paul’s status as a Roman citizen, and the puzzlement of the Romans as to what exactly Paul has done to deserve death, the imprisonment goes on two years in Caesarea and then for some time in Rome. Jesus had foretold all this: that his followers would be brought before kings and governors!

Love is the reason! The Gospel shows how intensely Peter and John really love Jesus. And the question we must ask ourselves is: who are the lambs and the sheep in my life that I feed? They’re right in front of us, the ones that inconvenience us for a little of our time and attention, the ones crying out for a word of hope that we can bring. And time; Jesus Himself begs us for more time talking and listening to Him rather than letting the mesmerizing attraction of the media absorb our lives.

How our Lord longs to hear us say, “Jesus, I’m really crazy about you. I can’t get enough of you. Here is my heart. Take it--it’s completely yours!”

- Msgr. Paul E. Whitmore
(smartins at twcny dot rr dot com)


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