Monday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Monday, May 3, 2004
Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Saints Philip and James, apostles
Scripture from Monday's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Psalm 19
John 14:6-14
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
By the grace of God, I am what I am... (1 Cor. 15:10)
The words of the Apostle Paul hold great promise for all of us. For if we think about it, Paul instigated the murder of one of the first Christian martyrs. He may not have actually committed it, but we are certain that at the time, he approved of it.
What does that tell us of the grace of God? Well, I suspect few of us have gone so far as to murder members of the church. (Although we may have done so in our hearts). But here is Paul, guilty, at least in part of murder and persecution, and he is granted a seat among the apostles.
We do well to remember at the beginning of the day, and at all times throughout, that we are what we are through the grace of God. What we seem to have and to own, our talents, our treasures, our belongings, even our bodies, all of these are lent to us by the most gracious of Lords, the King of Kings. We are, of ourselves, nothing. By our own work we can accomplish nothing. Everything we have, everything we do is done through the love of Jesus Christ for us. Let us remember that love and that grace, and let us dedicate ourselves to living out what we are in a very substantial way.
- Juandelacruz
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