Saturday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Saturday, May 8, 2004
Saturday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 13:26-33
Psalm 2:6-11
John 14:1-6
A reflection on todays Sacred Scripture:
Empty is so Fulfilling
Jesus explains to the disciples (and to us) in todays Gospel that what we experience, see and know of Him, Jesus, is also the Father--present and speaking through Jesus, the Son.
He personifies emptying of self to be filled with the One greater than ourselves. This is our filial joy and inheritance as members of the body of Christ. It is also what we return, compounded as trustees of His estate. Our treasure, our wealth is His love. When the coffers of self-love are emptied, the true presence of perfect treasure--our Fathers love--can be received. We share this love generously with other souls, just as Jesus did. What others come to experience, see and know of us is the Father present in us through the Son.
The entire example of Jesus life consists of His passionate love for and union with the Father and His ceaseless desire to do the will of His Father. He shows us the way to the Father through Him is unending prayer, fasting from self-will and audacious service -- even to death. Jesus said that whoever believes in Him, will do the works He does and in fact, will do greater ones than these to the honor and glory of the Father. Jesus is going to the Father. We pray in His name and are confident our prayers will be granted to the glory of the Father through Him.
- Mary Williams
(wlmsconsul at pdq dot net)
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