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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, May 15, 2004
Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter

St. Isidore

Scripture from today’s Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 16:1-10
Psalm 100:1-3,5
John 15:18-21

A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture:

Obeying The Spirit of Jesus

The Church grew stronger in faith and increased in number as Paul and Timothy traveled from city to city sharing decisions from the apostles and presbyters in Jerusalem. Paul and Timothy demonstrated their careful obedience and faithful proclamation of the authority and teachings of Lord. The result of their faithful sharing was the growth of the Church.

Paul and Timothy considered many places to reach out to bring souls the Good News but the Spirit of Jesus wouldn’t allow them. Instead, they obeyed the prompting to travel immediately to Macedonia.

Like Paul and Timothy, we listen to the Magisterium and faithfully propagate the Good News, the traditions and teachings to those whom we’re called to evangelize. This is one of the ways God’s Church grows. Also, we listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to discern where He leads us to proclaim the Good News.

We can be certain those souls that He leads to us--our spouses, children, extended family and neighbors--are designated to us from the Lord. Additionally, other souls who come into our lives daily are another instance of His “travel at once” kind of prompting. May we be obedient and faithful to the Spirit of Jesus so that He may grow His Church. Amen!

- Mary Williams
(wlmsconsul at pdq dot net)

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