Tuesday.blogThe Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Scripture from Tuesday's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 11:19-26
Psalm 87:1b-3,4-5,6-7
John 10:22-30
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Were still celebrating Easter! The reference is to the fourth week of Easter, not the fourth after Easter. Its a time when we think of the paschal lamb as symbolic. The gospel of the day pulls up the imagery of Christ as the Good Shepherd in that Christ states that My sheep know my voice. Its a question that we can ask of ourselves. Do we recognize the voice of Christ in our lives? If Christ had first appeared to any one of us in the garden after His rising, would we have recognized His voice as He called us by name?
One might ask the reasonable question: How does one hear the voice of Christ? The answer is a simple one, maybe too simple for some people, just be still and listen. Christ is always waiting for us to knock on the door of His Heart. Until we get used to His voice we need the stillness. In time you will hear Him in the midst of a noisy storm, but not at first. Christ first appeared in the innocent stillness of an early morning. That is how we will first find Him in our soul.
- Joan of Jesus, ocds
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)
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