The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Wednesday of the Sixth Week of Easter
Scripture from Wednesdays Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 17:15,22--18:1
Psalm 148:1-2,11-14
John 16:12-15
A reflection on todays Sacred Scripture:
When he comes, being the Spirit of truth
he will guide you to all truth. (John 16:13)
Todays readings illustrate a frequent problem faced by those proclaiming Gods Word. St. Paul tells us,we live and move and have our being in Him, our God; but despite His nearness, relatively few are willing to suspend their disbelief and receive Him in faith. In Athens when Paul spoke of Christ he encountered many who relied entirely on either tangible evidence or what they could rationally accept about the Son of God; when they heard of His resurrection from the dead, these walked away. Had they been sensitive to the presence of the Holy Spirit, they would have listened with their hearts, realized that Christs rising was a promise of new life for them and the world.
Our Gospel emphasizes to Christs disciples the Holy Spirits importance to their proclaiming His good news. His departure would not leave them alone nor helpless; for He would send them His Spirit, Gods loving power enabling them to understand and faithfully communicate our Lords teachings. Only God, working in and through people, can draw humanity to Himself. Too often, eloquent sermons draw attention to the speaker, not to Gods living Word; they tell us what we want to hear, not challenge us to change. True conversion requires two things: Gods Word made known in the loving power of His Spirit and Christ being welcomed into receptive human hearts.
Loving and giving God,
gentle our hearts and enlighten our minds,
that we may discern Your loving truth
and fully accept the conditions
that lead us to salvation.
- Marie Bocko, ocds
(mlbocko at borg dot com)
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