The Catholic Calendar for Sunday, June 13, 2004
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Scripture from Sundayıs Liturgy of the Word: Genesis 14:18-20 Psalm 110:1-4 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Luke 9:11-175 A reflection on todayıs Sacred Scripture: Today is the beautiful solemnity of Corpus Christi--the Body of Christ--when we commemorate again in a special way, the great gift of the Eucharist. What a mystery of love that Jesus so longed to remain present with us, that He gave us His very Self hidden in the ordinary appearance of bread and wine! The scope of the mystery has been the subject of many saintsı writings and prayers as they tried to capture in words of praise and instruction, some understanding that the very essence and totality of Jesus is contained in such common elements. The splendor of such a reality is not only humbling, but strengthening. Humbling that God should come to me a sinner, and strengthening in that if He chooses to come, He must love me very much. The extent of that love is never more clear to me than when in the funeral rite weıre reminded that the faithfully departed ate and drank at the table of the Lord, believing in the promise of eternal life. The authenticity of that promise is reiterated over and over again as in the midst of sadness we hear the words, ³Anyone who eats my Body and drinks my Blood will live forever.² Powerful, strengthening, hope-filled words from Jesus, who proved Himself trustworthy and fulfilled for our sake, all He ever promised! - Donna Raye Nelson, ocds (drn3rd at hotmail dot com)
posted by joachim at 8:48 AM