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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, June 26, 2004
   Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
   Lamentations 2:2,10-14, 18-19
   Psalm 74:1-7, 20-21
   Matthew 8:5-17

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

"Who Can Heal You?"
(Lamentations 2:13)

The downfall of an anguished nation in sin elicits a very soulful reflection. The fall is attributed to those entrusted with forming souls. "Your prophets had for you false and specious visions; they did not lay bare your guilt, to avert your fate; they beheld for you in vision false and misleading portents."
(Lamentations 2:14)

Baptized "priests, prophets and kings," we examine our duty as "prophets" with those souls entrusted to us for formation. Do we pray, and with courage "proclaim the precepts of the Lord, all of them true?" Our intentions, attitudes and countenance become The Way that forms those around us. We also evangelize that which conforms to fallen human nature, revealing the grace-filled mystery Who achieves healing, salvation, peace. It is often the verbal re-presentation of an intention or action that brings in courage meant to guide, console, strengthen and inspire.

As a parent I share with my child my duty before God to present truthful teaching and guidance that often conflicts with her preferences, her peers and the permissive indulgences of many other parents. She listens to this despised "lone voice, crying in the desert" because I ask for the Word to be heard so as to avert judgment for not having imparted it to her. I remind my child it is her choice what she does with this. We are collaborators in our mutual salvation, mine to offer her formation--and hers to permit the Word to be proclaimed.

- Mary Williams
(wlmsconsul at pdq dot net)

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