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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, June 19, 2004
Saturday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today’s Liturgy of the Word:
2 Chronicles 24:17-25
Psalm 89:4-5,29-340
Luke 2:41-51

A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture:

We Know Where to Find Him

“I have been looking for you with great anxiety.”
(Luke 2:48) These words of Mary are often our words in the bewilderment of life’s challenges. Surely we find Him within us--tabernacles that we are of His Eucharistic communion. Surely we see Him in the monstranced souls of His faithful. Surely we hear His Holy Spirit in the whispers of our soulful turnings, the longing within us.

Yet, there are the moments we fear we that we lose Him. Looking anxiously, we can’t seem to find Him. He gently reminds us, “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
(Luke 2:49)

Ah, yes, He is there, as St. Julian of Norwich consoles, “Our good Lord reigns in man’s soul. Out of this honorable throne He will never rise or depart without end.”

Jesus taught us to pray for the reign of His kingdom. “Thy kingdom come.” O my King and Lord, reign in Thy Father’s house, enthroned in the heaven of my soul.

“Thy will be done.” O Lord, may I obediently do Your will in the earth of my temporal duties, spoken from Your heaven within me.

“Give us this day our daily bread” -- O Lord I hunger for You, Word incarnate in my soul; the Son who shows us the Father and creates the place wherein He dwells.

Yes, we know where to find Him. “I must be in my Father’s house.”

Thank you Lord for remaining with us always.


- Mary Williams
(wlmsconsul at pdq dot net)


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