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The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, June 1, 2004
St. Justin, martyr

Scripture from Tuesday’s Liturgy of the Word:
2 Peter 3:12-15,17-18
Psalm 90:2-4,10,14,16
Mark 12:13-17

A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture:

The first reading for today is very reassuring. Though it bears the warning that we be on guard in this life, so that we are not taken down the wrong path by others, it does mention that we should “be at peace.” In other words we need to work towards a greater understanding of our faith, but still not to the point of becoming fearful.

One of the greatest means to do so is brought out in the gospel of the day. There is an attempt made to trap Christ as regard His allegiance, and we know His famous statement about giving Caesar his due, and God His due. The gospel emphasizes that we need to base our lives on truth, not on what other people think, or think of us. This is a significant challenge given the culture of today, but the main way that we can maintain our peace and integrity.

It is a curious reality that these readings are chosen by the Church for the memorial of St. Justin. He was a philosopher and writer, who wrote many works in defense of religion. We speak of being at peace, and yet this man lost his life for his beliefs and actions. We also know that God always gives sufficient grace to face the trials in our lives. Let us be open to that grace and still maintain our integrity and peace no matter what the circumstances!

St. Justin, pray for us.

- Joan of Jesus, ocds
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)


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