The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, August 28, 2004
Saturday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time
St. Augustine, bishop, doctor of the Church
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Psalm 33:12-13,18-21
Matthew 25:14-30
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Be Fruitful and Multiply - Yield on Bestowed Talents
The gifts or talents we are given by God, we are expected to share. These gifts are the inheritance that is God's love in union with us. We recall that inheritance is not something earned, rather it is a birthright.
Our filial relationship established with God through Baptism instills the supreme gift of Life eternal. That gift of eternal life is the treasure that is God's very essence of love, incarnated in each beLoved soul, as the "I have loved you first" kind of talent(gift) to be multiplied and returned to God as more souls loved by and for God.
We receive freely what we do not earn--nor deserve. Yet we understand that if we invest that love aggressively we yield higher returns of souls to God. And would we wish to do less than our best for the One who loves us so lavishly, He who withholds nothing from us, giving us all? Surely, we can give nothing less than our all. We can desire nothing more than all for the One who is our All in all.
Our treasure, measured as love incarnate in the mortality of our living, yields souls from union with the Author of life. So, we too can be fruitful and multiply the talent of love, the talent of our reformed essence in Him love... whether we bring five or two or one, we must bring all we can to Him who gives all He can--to us.
- Mary Williams
(wlmsconsul at pdq dot net)